Wednesday 10 June 2020

Learn to paint with You Can Folk It: Twin hearts tutorial

With so much going on in the world at the moment, we don't know where we would be without our favourite escape.  Picking up our paintbrushes, even just sitting in our creative space is a welcome solace.  Last week, we talked about the need to spread a little love and joy to others and this week, we have created a little project for you. 

You can Folk It painting instruction booklets

For this project you will need: 
Transfer paper 
Dotting tool 
DecoArt Americana paints - we chose Frosted Plum, French Mauve, Warm White, Blue mist & Lamp Black. 

Begin by transferring the pattern to your project.  We painted ours onto A4 black card.  

You Can Folk It tutorial, hearts template

To create this original project we drew around an MDF heart we had so if you didn't want to transfer it, feel free to draw around an MDF heart or one of our mountboard hearts. 

Begin by painting the roses and the blossom flowers. When painting the blossom flowers, we twisted our brush so unlike the outer two flowers, the centre flower had darker edges and a lighter centre.  

 NOTE: If you do not have either of these kits, why not try substituting them for daisies, hindeloopen flowers or a cluster of rosebuds?  

Paint the leaves and then add a little white to your green to add the stems.  Work with the heart shape when you are doing this.  If you want to add more than we have, make sure they are positioned within our close to the heart outline. You will notice we added s stroke leaves to the Oriental Blossom but you don't have to if you haven't learnt them.  The great thing about these patterns is that you can mix and match the techniques you have learnt and create something that's your own.  

You Can Folk It Vintage Roses and dots in pink and green

Add a line of dots on either side of each flower/flower cluster using the large end of the dotting tool.  

Next, using the large end of the dotting tool, create alternate dots of green and the darker shade you've chosen (in our case Frosted Plum).  

When these dots are dry, using the smaller end of the dotting tool, add the lighter shade (we used French Mauve) to each Frosted Plum.  If you have our Sweethearts kit, this is explained in the pattern from our Candy Cane heart.  

OPTIONAL: Add a few triangles of dots around your design to fill any spaces as you wish. 

Vintage Rose and Oriental Blossom twin hearts. Folk art painting from You Can Folk It


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